Working with Immigrant-Origin Clients: An Update for Mental Health Professionals
Sue Smith, of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, recommends this update from the American Psychological Association. Smith says: “I specifically work with Latino immigrants, and they’re often seen as non-compliant with most forms of mental health services but...
Crisis Care Ministry Resource
Click here to download this resource.

Good Friday Cemetery Stations of the Cross
Our congregation normally has an experiential stations of the cross service on Good Friday. This year we moved the stations to the cemetery adjacent to our church. Stations were put up on the driver and passenger sides of the cemetery road as a means of...
“Easter is a Verb” Reflection in the Midst of COVID-19
A blog post for Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (Lexington, KY) as part of the church’s efforts to provide spiritual and pastoral care and connection in the Time of the Virus.