Congregational Research

Help the Flourish Center capture information, stories and resources regarding your church’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Available Surveys:

Please take brief surveys in key ministry areas.

How is your congregation responding to COVID-19?

BSK exists for church and world. Our mission is to prepare students sensing God’s leadership for life and ministry in faithful witness to Jesus Christ in the church and the world.

For nearly two millennia people of “the way” have relied on traditional and innovative ways of loving God and neighbor. We create and live history every day, but some days and seasons stand above the rest. We are living, loving, and worshiping as “distant neighbors” in a moment that future generations will study and learn from.

In light of this moment and our duty as a seminary to research how congregations find ways to flourish in especially difficult circumstances, BSK’s Flourish Center is requesting your help in documenting and archiving congregational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. We will be digitally archiving your responses as “Congregations Respond to COVID-19.” 

“We create and live history every day, but some days and seasons stand above the rest.”

This is only the beginning.

BSK research will continue because the changes wrought by COVID-19 on congregations will unfold for years to come as we all strive to flourish together. This first survey is designed to help us understand and document congregations’ earliest attempts to respond to COVID-19 and the implementation of widespread social distancing measures. 

In coming weeks and months BSK will be asking additional research questions around how congregations are providing pastoral care, reading scripture, ministering to children and youth, and working through difficult ethical/theological issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. So, help us today, but also check back in to help us with this work in the future. The call to flourish remains.

Ways you can participate in this research

Take Brief Survey

We ask that you take a few minutes to complete the short survey below about the ways your congregation is responding during these initial weeks of the pandemic. You are welcome to answer whichever questions you choose.


Share Resources

Please archive the resources your congregation is creating in this moment at our Flourish Center for Congregational Imagination. At the end of the survey there is an option to upload examples of the types of resources your congregation is imagining, creating, distributing, and relying upon during this period. These resources may be worship guides, photos, videos, coloring sheets, newsletters, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.

View Archived Resources

View archived resources submitted by participants. These resources may be worship guides, photos, videos, coloring sheets, newsletters, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.

Resources will continue to be added, so check back often.


Give Permission

We are seeking permission to share periodically your resources with those looking for ideas and examples of how they might love God and neighbor during this moment. As you take the survey you will be asked if you provide the Flourish Center with permission to publicly share your content.

We will only make your content public if you grant us permission.

bsk & flourish

The flourish center is part of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. With campuses in Georgetown and Louisville, as well as online, BSK seeks to prepare men and women sensing God’s leadership for life and ministry in faithful witness to Jesus Christ in the church and the world. The flourish center supports our commitment to the health of local congregations.

reach us


BSK Theological Seminary
PO Box 23079
Lexington, KY 40523

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