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Participate in our COVID-19 Congregational Response Research
“We create and live history every day, but some days and seasons stand above the rest.”
Take Brief Survey
If you have not already taken our survey, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete it. The research survey gathers information about how your congregation is responding to the COVID event. You are welcome to answer whichever questions you choose.
How is your congregation responding to COVID-19?
Please use the form below to share the resources your congregation is creating in this moment. At the end of the survey there is an option to upload examples of the types of resources your congregation is imagining, creating, distributing, and relying upon during this period.
These resources may be worship guides, photos, videos, coloring sheets, newsletters, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.In light of this moment and our duty as a seminary to research how congregations find ways to flourish in especially difficult circumstances,
bsk & flourish
The flourish center is part of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. With campuses in Georgetown and Louisville, as well as online, BSK seeks to prepare men and women sensing God’s leadership for life and ministry in faithful witness to Jesus Christ in the church and the world. The flourish center supports our commitment to the health of local congregations.