Resource Archives
Shared by participants of the Flourish Center’s COVID-19 research project.
“We create and live history every day, but some days and seasons stand above the rest.”
Take Brief Survey
If you have not already taken our survey, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete it. The research survey gathers information about how your congregation is responding to the COVID event. You are welcome to answer whichever questions you choose.
Resource Archives
Browse resources shared by participants of the Flourish Center’s COVID-19 research project. Additional resources are added regularly, so check back often.
How is your church responding to the pandemic?
Thoughts on Small Church Re-openings
Rev. Sara Nave Fisher (Disciples of Christ) provides timely reflection and key questions related to what re-opening smaller (fewer than 100 attendees) congregations might look like.
View the blog post here.
Working with Immigrant-Origin Clients: An Update for Mental Health Professionals
Sue Smith, of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, recommends this update from the American Psychological Association. Smith says: “I specifically work with Latino immigrants, and they’re often seen as non-compliant with most forms of mental health services but much more receptive to a pastoral care approach. The article gives background on immigration and highlights some of the major mental health issues and challenges faced by peoples who have migrated to the US for whatever reason. This is particularly helpful in understanding their response to COVID-19 or another crisis.”
View the report here.
Crisis Care Ministry Resource
Norman Sizemore, Pastor of Von Spiegel Missionary Baptist Church and BSK student says, “Dr. H. Norman Wright produced a thirteen part series on crisis management. Whether you are a pastor, a concerned Christian, a prayer partner, or a seminary student, this series I highly recommend. This was a requirement for me as a pastor in 1996. I have since used this material as a 13 week bible class for my church curriculum. I have found this training and teaching useful during this pandemic outbreak. You can make a difference and help those who are in pain and who are hurting.”
To download this resource, click here.
Good Friday Cemetery Stations of the Cross
Our congregation normally has an experiential stations of the cross service on Good Friday. This year we moved the stations to the cemetery adjacent to our church. Stations were put up on the driver and passenger sides of the cemetery road as a means of driving/walking the stations in keeping with social distancing regulations. All images were from the public domain. Posts were made using old tobacco sticks. Feedback from those within and beyond the congregation was extremely positive.
“Easter is a Verb” Reflection in the Midst of COVID-19
A blog post for Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (Lexington, KY) as part of the church’s efforts to provide spiritual and pastoral care and connection in the Time of the Virus.
Orders of Service, Social Media, Newsletters – Highland Baptist Church, Louisville, KY
St. Matthews Baptist Staying Connected
Description: This is a description of how St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville, KY is working to stay connected on a daily basis.
New Communication Strategy: DAILY CONNECT: We know that people are missing other people. We know that people are feeling isolated and disconnected. For that reason we began Daily Connect. Each morning (Monday – Saturday) at 10:30 we have a live-streamed devotional time generally led by one of our staff members. These 3-4 minute devotionals are intentionally informational and inspirational.
These are accessed at 10:30 in the same way our worship services are accessed. Both the worship services and the Daily Connect times can be seen later than 10:30 by going to the website and clicking on the “play” button in the middle of the StreamSpot box. Then click on Previous Broadcasts. You can see previous broadcasts here.
Likewise on Facebook, go to the St. Matthews Baptist Church page and on the left side of the screen, click on Videos. You can see previous broadcasts here
Tenebrae at Home – Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, AR
These worship guides for Good Friday, one for adults and one for kids, will walk individuals and families in turning off lights as they read scripture, sing, and reflect.
Holy Week Art, Readings, Prayers
This resource was created by Port Royal Baptist for use at home during Holy Week. Art and some prayers were accessed at
Maundy Thursday Liturgy for the Evening Meal
This resource was created by Brittany Stillwell and Laura Edgar for families and individuals to use around the dinner table on Maundy Thursday. It transforms the footwashing ritual into a handwashing liturgy and an ordinary evening meal into the Great Feast.
Pastoral Letters
Letters written to congregants intended to encourage and explain.
From Port Royal Baptist Church.
Adapted Worship Guides
Adapted-for-home worship guides for Port Royal Baptist Church.
The March 15 worship guide: The congregation decided on March 13 not to gather in person for worship. This worship guide was adapted for use at home for Sunday, March 15 and posted on the church’s Facebook page.
The March 22 worship guide: This worship guide was adapted for use at home for Sunday, March 22. Copies were mailed, emailed, and posted on the church’s Facebook page. Having more time to reflect and imagine allowed us to think through how to add in actions and moments suited for those living alone or with others. Attention was given to what “Announcements” mean now and how and “Offering” might be carried out. One of the hymns included a YouTube link to a performance of that hymn.
The March 29 worship guide: : This worship guide was adapted for use at home for Sunday, March 29. Copies were mailed, emailed, and posted on the church’s Facebook page. The Lenten gospel reading’s inclusion of the impact of Jesus’ absence (“…if you had been here…”) is powerful.
bsk & flourish
The flourish center is part of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. With campuses in Georgetown and Louisville, as well as online, BSK seeks to prepare men and women sensing God’s leadership for life and ministry in faithful witness to Jesus Christ in the church and the world. The flourish center supports our commitment to the health of local congregations.